Nov 22, 2021
Phishing, Malware & Cybersecurity - Try Not to Get Pwned
- BRT S02 EP47 (94) 11-21-2021
What We Learned This Week:
Guests: Vince Matteo, Seven Layer Networks, Inc.
There are many different types of cyber attacks from a password breach, website hack to email phishing scams. Vince Matteo of Seven Layers (.com) gives advice on what to be on the lookout for, tips for protection, and some reference sites for more info. We discuss Email Phishing scams, spearphishing attack, password breaches, website hacks, data breaches, ramsonware, software and VPNs.
Email Phishing – most common type of cyber attack when you receive an email that seems legit at first, possibly from someone you know or a big company, but on closer review the ‘from’ email address does not make sense. Delete these emails, and alert other co-workers you received it, as more staff may be under attack. The goal of these emails is to get you to reply or click on a link to get sensitive or password info. Your info or email can be sold on the Dark Web (anonymous server or chat).
Password Security – always good to update passwords, and make sure they are not easy to discover using combo of words, numbers and signs. Programs like Last Pass are good for keeping track and securing your passwords. Also using private networks (VPNs) when going on personal or important sites like banks, credit cards, etc. , or use 2 factor authentication log in (code sent to an email or phone).
Vince Matteo is a certified penetration tester, a security researcher, and a senior consultant at Seven Layers (.com) where he focuses on securing small businesses. Vince is the author of "Hacking 101 – A Beginner’s Guide to Penetration Testing", he's a bug bounty hunter with 17 published critical vulnerabilities, and he's presented talks on offensive hacking at security conferences -- most recently GrrCON in Grand Rapids, MI and BSides in College Station, TX. Outside of work, Vince is an accomplished endurance athlete, an Ironman age group champion, and in his spare time, you can find him in the desert -- training for the next hundred-mile ultramarathon.
Reference Info / Recs:
HaveIBeenPwned :
^^ We recommend looking for existing account breaches and setting up alerts for future breaches.
Top VPN Providers 2021 :
Top Consumer Antivirus :
^^ Bitdefender is what I mentioned we use.
More Cybersecurity – Clip from BRT 8/1/21 Seg. 3
Guest: Ari Redbord, Head of Legal and Government Affairs w/ TRM Labs
Show Link:
Cybersecurity is a fast growing and extremely important industry for national security, and corporate interests. There are Nation States acting as bad players in the cyber realm and targeting the US Government and US business. We discuss the advancements in technology on cyber crime, blockchain, crypto, and online fraud.
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