Jul 26, 2021
The Problem of Human Trafficking & How the Phoenix Dream Center Helps the Victims Get Their Life Back
- BRT S02 EP29 (76) 7-18-2021
Things We Learned This Week:
Guest: Michelle Tipton, Public Relations/ Volunteer Coordinator, Phoenix Dream Center
https://phoenixdreamcenter.org/kfnx/ - to help & donate, tax deductible
The problem of Human Traffic is a bigger issue than most people realize.
According to the US Department of Homeland Security, human trafficking is a modern-day form of slavery involving the illegal trade of people for exploitation or commercial gain. In other words, these victims are subject to sexual acts, forced labor, or both. Just to give you a reference for how big the human trafficking industry in the United States is: it makes more money than the NFL, the NBA, and Major League Baseball COMBINED.
The Phoenix Dream Center’s Human Trafficking Program is a flagship program of the Phoenix Dream Center. Established in 2009, it is one of the largest service providers for young adult victims of human trafficking in the nation. The Program was created to help rebuild the shattered lives of young women rescued from human trafficking and commercial sexual exploitation.
Michelle talks about what the Dream Center offers to help victims from Rescue & recovery, Therapy similar to EMR , Clinics – school, dental, health, scholarship & career opps. Many of staff has gone thru the program and now work at the Center.
Guest: Steve Zabilski,
Executive Director of St Vincent DePaul
Homeless Population in Phx
Struggling and How to Help
Help to Feed, Clothe, House, Heal
those who need it most
Steve talks about the tough hot summer the homeless population is dealing with, and how people can help with donations of money, goods, or time.
Steve Zabilski has served as the Society of St. Vincent de Paul’s executive director since 1997. Prior positions include senior vice president with Transamerica Insurance Group and audit manager for the accounting firm KPMG LLC.
Steve Zabilski embodies the philosophy of serving those in need. And appropriately, he is well-situated to live out those precepts of charity as CEO of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul (SVDP) Phoenix, where he oversees the day-to-day operation of the organization’s 250 employees and thousands of volunteers throughout Arizona.
“We are a place that provides opportunities for others to be of service and this provides real meaning in our lives; a sense of purpose, a peace and joy that comes from having a reason for being that which is greater than ourselves,” professed Zabilski.
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